Monday, 12 December 2011

Peak District - Howden, Bleaklow & Alport - Video

Here is a video I recorded while on my walk today in the Peak District. It is just a quick sequence of shots I did using my old Canon A640, so it's not HD but you can get a feel of what it was like up there today on a cold wintery day. I set off from Howden Reservoir, Followed the River Derwent to its source, Headed up and over the moors to Bleaklow Stones, Down to Alport Castles and then back across Birchinlee Pasture to Howden.

I hope you enjoy it and the wind noise isn't too annoying :-)

The blog post for this walk which contains numerous images, a Social Hiking map and an AudioBoo can be found here.... Peak District – Howden, Bleaklow & Alport

Peak District - Howden, Bleaklow & Alport

After my windy walk with Andy last week ("Peak District – Ladybower & Alport Dale") I decided it was high time for another Peak District outing. There has been rather a drought when it comes to walking of late, what with one thing and another I just haven't had the time to head out. I feel as though I have made up for it today though with a good route and some fantastic views thrown in, so without further ado here is my summary of where I headed and what I got up to.

Looking westward towards Barrow Stones

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Peak District - Ladybower & Alport Dale

After a relative drought when it comes to walking I decided I would head out come rain or shine today. The forecast was for high winds and also plenty of rain but I thought what the heck, I'll just go for it. A quick call to my mate Andy and the plan was set. We would park at Ladybower, Ashopton Viaduct to be precise and then head up and over towards Rowlee Pasture to Alport Dale.

[caption id="attachment_510" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="A Windy day on Rowlee Pasture in the Peak District"]A windy day on Rowlee Pasture in the Peak District[/caption]